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Malena Mazza Photographer | Art Exhibition | Photography | Fashion | Logo

Malena Mazza e’ una delle rare fotografe in grado di trasfomare i moltissimi lavori redazionali e pubblicitari in opere d’arte, rendendole cosi’ indimenticabili, un notevole plus per i fortunati clienti.

Bolognese di origine, si trasferisce presto a Milano dove frequenta la Scuola del Cinema. Inizia la sua carriera come assistente di importanti registi in ambito cinematografico, lavora a fianco di Michelangelo Antonioni e dei fratelli Paolo e Vittorio Taviani. Si avvicina poi alla fotografia, dimensione perfetta per mettere in pratica i suoi progetti sulla mutazione estetica e socioculturale del femminile negli ultimi decenni, guardando la fotografia come forma d’arte e prediligendo il colore. Soprattutto esercitando il suo punto di vista ironico e dissacrante che mette l’accento sulla stridente dicotomia dei due aspetti del femminile: la donna che nella quotidianità della vita si divide tra lavoro, famiglia, figli, spesa e pulizie, ma che deve anche sempre essere perfetta, glamour e sexy, come vuole la società. Una donna tanto improbabile quanto reale, un equilibrista della vita.

Partecipa a due edizioni dell’iconica Biennale di Venezia, le sue opere sono state esposte al Museo Perez di Miami, al Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica e alla Triennale di Milano e in molte altre importanti manifestazioni quali Art Basel, Arte Fiera Bologna e MIA photo fair vincendo il premio Mediolanum nel 2023.

Lavora prevalentemente nel fashion, beauty, design ed ha all’attivo più di cento mostre in tutto il mondo e varie collaborazioni con le principali testate giornalistiche e brand operanti in vari settori. Non mancano le iniziative che implicano un crossover con altre arti, come l’esposizione di alcune sue opere sui billboards di Times Square a New York. 

Malena Mazza is one of the rare photographers able to transform the many editorial and advertising jobs into works of art, making them unforgettable, a considerable plus for lucky clients.

Bolognese by origin, she soon moved to Milan where she attended the Cinema School. He began his career as assistant to important film directors, working alongside Michelangelo Antonioni and the brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani. She then approached photography, the perfect dimension to put into practice her projects on the aesthetic and socio-cultural mutation of women in the last decades, looking at photography as an art form and favouring colour. Above all, by exercising his ironic and desecrating point of view that emphasises the jarring dichotomy of the two aspects of the feminine: the woman who in everyday life divides her time between work, family, children, shopping and cleaning, but who must also always be perfect, glamorous and sexy, as society wants her to be. A woman as unlikely as she is real, a balancer of life.

She participated in two editions of the iconic Venice Biennale, her works have been exhibited at the Perez Museum of Miami, at the Museum of Science and Technology and the Milan Triennale, and in many other important events such as Art Basel, Arte Fiera Bologna and MIA photo fair where she won Medilanum prize in 2023.

She works mainly in fashion, beauty and design and has more than a hundred exhibitions all over the world and various collaborations with leading newspapers and brands in various sectors to his credit. There is no lack of initiatives involving a crossover with other arts, such as the exhibition of some of his works on the billboards of Times Square in New York.


Tv - shows:


Mia Fair 2018 - Vittorio Sgarbi

NC Awards - Malena Mazza for Pittarosso

Foto per arredare - LA7 Tv Show

Malena Mazza on Canale 5 - XStyle

Desperate Housewife - Class Tv Moda Show

Italia’s next top model - Sky Uno

Come mi vorrei - Italia 1

Interviews and Talks:


Gazzetta di  Milano 2023

Story Time - Radio Canale Italia 2023

Journey in Italy 2023

Convivium Talks 2022

Radio News 24 - 2021 

Mia Photo Fair 2016

Fotografica12 - Canon Photo Week

Malena Mazza - NPS Italia

SinergicaMente - Altervista

Università la Sapienza - Rome

Audio Interview - Radio Sapienza, Rome



Arte Padova, first prize Banca Mediolanum

Permanent exhibition Perez Museum, Miami 

“Taboo” Firenze, March 

MIA FAIR, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, March

Art Miami, Palm Beach, March



Scope, Miami, December

“The Others”, Turin, November

Hampton’s Fair, Hampton’s, July

Premio IRINOX, Parma, May

“WomanonWomen” MIA Fair, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, April

MIA FAIR, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, March




“L’Amore ai tempi di Tinder” Visionquest Gallery Genova

“Kiss Me” MIA Fair, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, October 

“Big” Spazio BIG, Via Santa Marta 10, Milan, November



“Al tempo del coronavirus” Jan – Feb First exhibition behind closed doors.



“L’amore ai tempi di Tinder”, ROBERTAEBASTA, Milan, 14 May - 30 June 

Crystalexe, ANM Design, Milan, 1 April - 6 May



“Occhi di bambina”, Plumes Atelier, Milan, 15 - 30 November

Retrospettiva Malena Mazza, MO.OM Hotel, Milan, 5 April - 30 July

“Untouchable”, L’Universo Femminile Dietro l’Obiettivo - Pontremoli Foto Festival, 20 - 29 July

“Untouchable”, MO.OM Hotel, Milan, 5 April - 14 July

“Provocazioni”, The C|E Contemporary Gallery, Photo Week Milano, 4 June - 15 July

“Untouchable”, Mia Photo Fair, Milan, 8 March - 12 April  

“Natale con gli autori”, Libreria Open, Milan, 20 December - 30 January



“Natale con gli autori”, Casa Museo Tadini, Milan, 5 - 19 December

“Natale con gli autori”, ASPESI Store, Milan, 1 - 6 December

“Natale con gli autori”, Magna Pars Hotel, Milan, 30 November - 18 December

Black Friday, Via Quadrio 18, Milan, November - December

Docks Art Fair, Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporaine, Lyon, 16 - 20 September

“Altro Sguardo”, La Permanente Triennale di Milano, 31 May - 10 June

Capri Photography Festival IX, Capri Foundation, Capri, 25 June - 23 July

Personale Milano,”Dark Brightness”,ROBERTAEBASTA, Via Formentini4/6, 4-9 April

Exhibition Milano, MIA FAIR 2017, The Mall-Porta Nuova, 10-13 March



Triennale di Milano, Collettiva “L’altro sguardo”,Milan, 4 October -8 January

Sotheby’s, Milan, charity auction, 17 November

“Wopart”, Lugano, 1-5 September

Bipersonale Milano,  Costantini Art Gallery, 14 April -21 May

MIA FAIR 2016, The Mall-Porta Nuova – Pres, 10-13 April

Artefiera Bologna 2016, 29 January -01 February

Permanent exhibition “Progetto Architettonico Tarshito”, Ex Albergo Capital, Crotone


“Art Context” Miami during “Art Basel” 1-6 December

Sotheby’s, Milan, charity auction, 10 November

Studio Uno, Caserta, October 2015- January 2016

Aluminium Fashion and Food, Museo Nazionale Scienza Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, April-May

Malena Mazza Retrospective,  L’Oficina de L’art, Alghero, 28 March-12 April

Permanente Sant’Angelo di Brolo (ME) 

“Virgo et Virago”, Museo degli Angeli, 28 March

“Virgto et Virago”,  Galleria Studio 71, Palermo 8-28 March

“Studi d’Artista” ,  Spazio Andrea Zucchi, Milan, 10-15 February

Galerie Burkhard Eikelmann, Dusseldorf, 25 January -5 February

MIA FAIR 2015, The Mall-Porta Nuova , Milan 10-16 April



“Art Context” Miami during “Art Basel”, 2-9 December

Christie’s, Milan, charity auction,  2 December

“Beauty Market”,  Biblioteca della Moda, Milan, 21-28 November

Sotheby’s,  Milan, charity auction, 4 November

“Donne x Donne”,  Palazzo Borghese, Rome, 28 October

New York, giant billboards in Times Square, 24-25-26 July

“Desperate Housewives”, Palazzo Victoria Contemporanea, Verona, 11 July -31 October

“Beauty Cage”, Galleria Francesco Zanuso, Milan, 5-14 February



“Exposure”,  Foundation Gallery,  New York, July

“La Grande Bellezza” , Art Gallery ROBERTAEBASTA, Milan, 3 July - September

“And time goes by” , VisionQuestTGallery, Genova, 28 March -11 May

Temporary Show Milano, GOODS, April

“Desperate Housewife”,  Byline Gallery    , Milan, 21 March - 5 May

Sotheby’s, Milan,  charity auction, 26 March

Adisco Milano,  charity auction

“La Migliore offerta”,  MO.OM Hotel Gallery, Milan, 5 March -31 May

Art&Co Gallery, Caserta, 7 March

Exhibition Firenze, curated by Style Piccoli for Pitti Bimbo, 17-19 January



Conference Fotografica Canon, Milan, November

“On your feet”, VisionQuesT Gallery, Genova,  November-January

“Cibo è natura morta” ,VisionQuesT Gallery, Genova, November-December

Sotheby’s Milan, charity auction, October

“From a female eye” , Gallery Sota King’s Road 36, Hong Kong, 14 June

“Orticola”, Galleria GAM, Milano, May

“Da Milano ad Hong Kong”, Gallery Art&Co, Milan, April

Exhibition Milan, during 2012 International Furniture Fair, April

CityLife AD Project curated by Daniel Liebeskind, Milan, throughout 2012



54th Biennale di Venezia, June

Exhibition Milano, Byline Gallery, November

“Erba e fior che la gonna” ,VisionQuesT Gallery, Genova, June-September

“Hotel M” ,Visionnaire Design Gallery, Milan, May-June

“Allegra”, Brera, Milan, April-May

“Kokoro”, Camera 16 Gallery    , Milan, May

“Cristiana Capotondi seen by Malena Mazza”, actrice portraits, coll. Glamour, Central Station, Milan

“Art for Heart “ charity auction - Gallery FORMA Contrasto, Milan, March

2 works permanently exhibited at “Museo Dell’Angelo”, Sant’Angelo di Brolo, Messina    


Sotheby’s Milano, charity auction for CAF Milano, October

“La Fotografia di nudo”, 7th Biennale della Fotografia, Catania, February - March

“Bad Girls” ,VisionQuesT Gallery, Genova, February - March



Sotheby’s Milano, charity auction for CAF Milano, September

“Sulla Pelle” during Atri’s festival, Teramo, June - August

“Magic Moments” coll. Playboy Italia, Art Gallery ROBERTAEBASTA, Milan, April - May

“I Luoghi, il Sogno”, Galleria Studio 71, Palermo, March - April


Sotheby’s Milan, charity auction, November

“Pelle”, via Dante, Milan, sponsored by Vichy, May - July

“Peep Show” in collaboration with “Vogue Gioiello”, Art Gallery ROBERTAEBASTA, Milan, April




Sotheby’s Milan, charity auction for  CAF Milano, October

“Bijoux Gourmand” coll.Vogue Gioiello, Hotel Principe Savoia, Milan, September

“Fotografare l’Eros”, Fondazione Mazzullo Palazzo Duchi di Santo Stefano, Taormina, September

“Fotografare l’Eros”, Galleria Studio 71, Palermo, June - July

“Textile Photos”, Brera, Milan, April-May

“Metamorfosi Del Corpo”, Auditorium Renzo Piano during “Alta Roma”, Rome, January - February



“Mode”, National Centre of Photography, Padua, October-December

“Sound Check”, Università di Pavia, Pavia, December

“Foto d’Autore per Arredare”, Brera, Milan, April



“Grey Wolves”, Libreria Del Mare, Palermo, November

“Cucina”, Outlet S.Gregorio, Milan, October

Sotheby’s Milan, charity auction for CAF Milano, October

Contest Tirana, 1st prize winner, Marubi exhibition, May

“Chez Mois”, Galleria Spazio Erasmus, Milan, April-May



“Quotidiano Femminile”, Palazzo Delle Stelline, Milan, 7 February -23 March



“Quotidiano Femminile”, Palazzo Fontana di Trevi, Rome, 10 April -1 June

“Quotidiano Femminile”, Museo d’arte Contemporanea, Pescara

“Quotidiano Femminile”, Chiesa Santa Maria al Pendino, Naples

Exhibition Milan during “MIART”, November

“Autoportraits”, Pin-Up Studios, Paris, November

“Paesaggi Epidermici”, Calusca City Life Cox, Milan, October

“In Prima Persona”,  Galleria Spazio Erasmus, Milan, May - June



“VADIMODA”, Calendar of Women Fashion, Milan, September - October



“VADIMODA” retrospective 150 photos during Bologna Capitale Europea della Cultura, 

Palazzo d’Accursio, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, February - March

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